75+ Hilarious Big Forehead Jokes, One Liners

For ages, big forehead jokes have persisted as a popular form of humor, similar to yo mama jokes. Whether one has a big forehead or knows someone who does, these jokes can be incredibly amusing and relatable. There are limitless possibilities for clever witticisms, from comparing someone's forehead to a billboard or a fivehead to suggesting that they use their forehead as a solar panel.

Big forehead jokes can even target famous people, as seen when PGA Tour star Jordan Spieth congratulated Denver Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning on his 2016 Super Bowl 50 win with a tweet that said, "From one big forehead to another...I'd enjoy sharing some 🍻 with the Sheriff sometime. Heck of a post-game interview haha."

Although some may argue that big forehead jokes can be hurtful, they can bring laughter and joy when delivered in good fun and with the appropriate audience. It's crucial to ensure that you don't blurt out these jokes recklessly. Everyone should comprehend that it's all in good fun and harmless. So, if you're ready to embrace your big forehead or tease a friend about theirs, jump in on the fun and let the big forehead jokes begin.

75+ Hilarious Big Forehead Jokes

75+ Hilarious Big Forehead Jokes, One Liners

Your Forehead Is So Big Jokes

1. Your forehead is so big it can fit an NBA court.

2. Your forehead is so big that if you had a stroke, it would look like a landslide gone wrong.

3. Your forehead is so big it’s like your entire face is on your chin.

4. Your forehead is so big the photo on your Driver’s License says, “To be continued on the back.”

5. Your forehead is so big it gets home before you do.

6. Your forehead is so big even Dora can’t explore it.

7. Your forehead is what happens when you keep your thoughts to yourself.

8. Your forehead is so big that the teachers use it as a whiteboard.

9. Your forehead is so big I bet your dreams are in IMAX.

10. Your forehead is so big it takes the sun a year to shine on every part of it.

11. Your forehead is so big that it made the Mona Lisa smile.

12. Your forehead is so big your mom spent half of the time in the delivery room giving birth to just your head.

13. Your forehead is so big it takes the sun a year to shine on every part of it.

14. Your forehead is so big it’s a $20 taxi ride from your eyebrows to your hairline.

15. Your forehead is so big it makes Kanye’s ego look small.

16. Your forehead is so big NASA thought it was Mars.

17. Your forehead is so big it could carry all the passengers of the Titanic.

18. Your forehead is so big when they measure your temperature they say you have global warming.

19. Your forehead is so big you’ll never have enough hair for bangs.

20. Your forehead is so big that if Michaelangelo ever started painting frescoes on your forehead it would take him four years to complete it.

21. Your forehead is so big, a group of friends can even play Wii sports on it.

22. Your forehead is so big, you have to step into your shirts.

23. Your head is so big “lather, rinse, repeat” isn’t enough.

24. Your head is so big your ears are in different time zones.

25. Your head is so big we would need Jupiter to make your bobblehead.

26. Your forehead is so big it has its own gravitational pull.

27. Your forehead is so big your inner thoughts echo.

28. Your head is so big the airlines charge you an extra $25 to bring it aboard.

29. Your forehead is so big your thoughts start on a Monday and don’t end until Sunday.

30. Your forehead is so big when you walk by I can’t see what’s in front of me.

31. Your forehead is so big it goes back to when Burger King was Burger Prince.

32. Your forehead is so big that it couldn’t handle an acute angle.

Your Forehead Is So Big Question and Answer Jokes

33. What do you call a really big forehead? A fivehead.

34. Why do most philanthropists have a big forehead? They donate it to charity for shelter.

35. What does a sinking ship and how big your head has in common? Capsize.

36. Why are some confused looking at a large forehead? They are trying to figure out if that’s the forehead or the moon.

37. What does a big-headed kid want to become when he grows up? Headmaster.

38. Why do big-headed students hate Maths? It is way over their heads.

39. Remember the young child with a large head whom everyone called “Pumpkinhead?” Eventually, that boy’s body grew into his head and now everyone calls me “Pumpkinman.”

40. Why did the blonde have makeup on her forehead? Someone told her to make up her mind.

41. What is the biggest achievement of a mountain climber? Successfully climbing your forehead.

42. Why do big foreheaded people never go broke? They can always rent out parking spots on your forehead.

43. What do most people with big foreheads do as a part-time? As a projector backdrop at the movies.

44. Why don’t you join the army? They could use your forehead as a landing spot for their helicopters.

Yo Mama’s Forehead Is So Big Jokes

45. Yo mama’s head is so big her head can’t fit through her shirt hole.

46. Yo mama’s head is so big it shows up on radar.

47. Yo mama‘s head is so big you wear a bed sheet for a bandana.

48. Yo mama’s head is so big Goodyear is renting it out.

49. Yo mama’s head is so big there are mall directories on her ears.

50. Yo mama’s head is so big she washes her hair at Niagara Falls.

51. Yo mama’s forehead is so big the UN passed a bill declaring it a sovereign state.

52. Yo mama’s head is so big her AirPods are in different countries.

53. Yo mama’s head is so big she uses a fitted sheet as a bonnet.

54. Yo mama’s forehead is so big Megamind thought she was his sister.

55. Yo mama’s head is so big they discovered she’s a planet.

General Your Forehead Is So Big Jokes

56. It’s a $20 cab ride from your eyebrows to your hairline.

57. You could power the whole neighborhood if you attached a solar panel to your forehead.

58. God loved you so much that he gave you one face and started clearing off a place for another.

59. That’s not a forehead… That’s a forecourt.

60. My computer crashed trying to load all of that forehead.

61. You could probably get paid for advertising on that billboard.

62. I wasn’t staring at you. I was trying to figure out if that’s your forehead or the moon.

63. Coneheads was a documentary about your family.

64. I can see my future in your forehead.

65. Your forehead is so big and shiny that it looks like a solar field.

66. I bumped into Thanos and laughed really hard at the size of his chin and forehead. He snapped.

67. Don’t worry, the forehead jokes are receding just like your hairline.

68. I don’t know if I’d spank you on the ass or on your forehead.

69. You must use an extra mattress as a pillow.

70. Successfully climbing your forehead is the biggest achievement anyone can achieve as a mountain climber.

71. I bet it’s cool you can change the TV channels with your mind.

72. Call the Europeans back; it seems there’s a whole continent that they haven’t discovered yet.

73. You look like someone drew a face on a balloon and then squeezed the bottom.

74. I won’t say anything about your forehead. But I will say it looks like it’s hard for you to find a bike helmet that fits.

75. When you die, scientists will preserve your skull.

76. “All the kids make fun of me,” the boy cried to his mother, “They say I have a big head.” “Don’t listen to them,” his mother comforted him, “You have a beautiful head. Now stop crying and go to the store for ten pounds of potatoes.” “Where’s the shopping bag?” “I haven’t got one, use your hat.”

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