Saurab Anuraj

Q. As usual, let get started, so tell us something about yourself?
Q. When was that created to be a passionate photographer and who inspired you?
Q. Have you taken any course on photography or how did you learn?

Q. What was your friend's and family's reaction when the print media featured your work on the pages.

Q. I got to know about the controversial photoshoot of 2019, so what was the concept? And how it went wrong for the netizens?
Q. Let us know what are things you do besides photography?
Q. When did you start up the 'Meowwala' and how many shoots have been delivered till now?
Q. What projects are you currently working on?

Q. You have been a game-changer and also an inspiration among the youth in Bihar, as been a winner of 'Times Men of the Year 2019', do you think the works are justified in achievement?
Q. What will be your reaction to the stereotype culture of Bihar that focuses on govt. job and not allowed to go for arts and crafts, so how things are being changed now? ( Since I was criticized for the same so I took to ask you)
Q. And this is the political time in Bihar, so we like to keep your reaction on unemployment, what do you think of migrants, Kisan, etc.(Since we are not political but the readers may like the views on the topic)
Q. Today the cameras' are getting cheap and most of them jump as photographers, so what suggestion you would like to suggest them.
Q. The modeling industry is growing very fast, so if any new faces would like to enter the industry they must need a portfolio right. So if you can tell them with the budget for beginners.
Q. How would you recommend Bgs Raw the digital featuring.
Q. I think you have been a role model to many aspiring photographers, any message you like to convey to them?
Q. When did you got your first camera and what was its model?
Q. When was your first commerciall photoshoot?
Q. If you get get a dating change with the popular face, whom would you like to date.
Q. If you were not a photographer, what would you do today?
Q. How do you give special attention to your fans?
Q. Comment for Bgs Raw!

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