How to Become an influencer on Instagram and Start Earning Money in 2021

How to Become an influencer on Instagram and Start Earning Money in 2021
How to Become an influencer on Instagram and Start Earning Money in 2021. Hey, guys here I'm starting pro tips and a FREE COURSE to Become an Instagram Influencer and start earning, so this topic will be covered in 11 parts and can be called labels or topics or lessons, etc. I hope you will learning and will get an idea of topics to become a pro influencer.

Do you know millions of people write and search for how to make money on Instagram with 500 followers, do you think its easy, I think it's not because in this virtual competition of influencing you must know some important influencer secret to build strategy?

As we know Instagram marketing plays a great vital role to keep your presence on social media and value your time into the benefit. So before starting earning you must also focus on marketing, branding, contact brands, collaborate with fellow influencers. We can see most of the brands collaborated as barter or in-exchange, but take a time to judge yourself.

After learning all the 11 topics, I request you all to take an online QUIZ which will also boost you as a self-pro influencer. However it is not mandatory or the certification is not recognized by any certified origination, although this test will help you to improve your thinking power as an influencer and will get featured in our online web magazine. So no need to download any ebooks just bookmark this page to your browser and complete it when you have free time.

If you take a test we will issue a certificate for those guys and will feature you on our website stories or interviews.

So, here let us discuss the topic:
Did you know that brands spent $5.67 billion on influencer marketing in 2018? And this amount is forecasted to reach $8 billion by 2020.

With the rising popularity of influencer marketing and brands spending tons on money on it, it has become a lucrative way for people to earn money.

So, how much can you earn from being an influencer?

And come influencers do charge large amounts of money if they have a substantial follower base and an engaged audience.

Instagram influencers can charge anywhere between $75 and $3,000 per post. Even if you are at the lower end of the spectrum, it is still a lot of money for just one Instagram post.

This is probably the reason why so many people have chosen this path, to earn quick money and become famous.
However, it is not easy to become an Instagram influencer with a substantial follower base. It requires a lot of time and effort to reach a stage where you have influence over your audience

But, if this is something you are really interested in, we have got you covered.

In this post, I have provided a detailed list of things that you need to do to become an Instagram influencer and start earning money.

Are you ready to discover what it takes to become an Instagram influencer? Let’s dig in.

Pro Tip: Keep producing high-quality content consistently and engage with your audience to grow your Instagram account.

What You Need to Do to Become an Instagram Influencer

1. Choose a Niche You’re Passionate About
To become an Instagram influencer, the first thing you need to do is find a niche that suits your personality. This needs to be something you’re very passionate about. Something in which you have a good deal of knowledge and interest. And if you choose just because someone else is doing something and is successful, it doesn’t mean you should too do the same. I've seen lots of those peoples trying to copy the co-fellow friend's but still, they are struggling in the online influencing industry.

** So, what should you do?

To become an Instagram influencer in any field, you will have to post about it regularly and consistently. So, selecting the right niche is very important because you will have to spend a considerable amount of time researching it and posting content on that topic.

So pick a niche that you’re genuinely passionate about. Maybe you’re great at DIY crafts? Or maybe you love food, and have a great deal of interest in different types of cuisines? Maybe you’re into fashion and are always aware of the latest styles and trends?

Your Instagram posts should reflect whatever truly interests you and not some random stuff.

Your niche might even be a combination of different things, as long as they’re not random. Here’s an example of an Instagram influencer whose niche is food, travel, and lifestyle. As you will see that Instagram feed has a good balance of posts relating to all of these below.

**How to choose the best and profitable niche

When it comes to choosing the best and profitable niche as an influencer, you may be confused. But let me tell you that the Times have changed, my friend.  You no longer need a fancy website to start a profitable business. So now you can make sure that you're not investing in the domain and hosting now. That means you could very well get started with just an Instagram account.

A) Health & Fitness
Are you passionate about promoting a healthy lifestyle? 🍎
Want to show off your workout routines to the world? 💪
Or inspire people to go vegan with your delicious recipes?

Become Instagram Influencer - health and fitness

Then hop aboard the health and fitness Instagram train!

I know what you’re thinking.

“Elise, it’s such an oversaturated niche. There is zero room for me to make any money.” 🙄

But don’t let that type of thinking fool you.

There is ALWAYS an opportunity for you to get a piece of that pie.

And the great thing about niches with loads of competition is that even if it’s a tiny slice, it can still mean making some serious cha-ching. 😋

Plus, health and fitness is an evergreen niche.

People will always want to know hacks on staying healthy and how to grow that booty (for example 😉).


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B) Beauty

Does your bank account quiver every time Kylie Jenner drops a new product line? 💄
Are your friends always asking you to help them with their hair and makeup? 🎀
Do you spend hours binge-watching beauty tutorials on YouTube? 📺
how to become an instagram influencer

Makeup artists and hairstylists are making tons of money reviewing products and sharing tips – and so can you.

The key to being successful in such a competitive niche is self-expression.

Think outside the box and find a fresh new angle that you can leverage.

Maybe you have problem skin and know a ton of hacks for successfully covering ache, or you’ve got a knack for recreating high-end looks on a low-end budget.

Get creative, and you might just land a spot on your favorite brands’ PR drop list.


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example for instagram bio discription

C) Travel
Do you love exploring new places? 🗺
Do your friends and family ask “Where are you?” more than “How are you?” ✈️
Is it your dream to live out of your suitcase while getting paid? 🎒
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The phrase “how to become a travel blogger” was one of the highest searched terms in 2017.

But not everyone wants to run a full-blown blog. Luckily, you can still get paid to travel if your feed inspires just the right amount of wanderlust.

All you need to do is get a super niche.

For example:

Backpacking, luxury or family
College students, senior people or millennials
Adventure travel, slow travel or solo female travel
The more specific, the better chance you’ll have of standing out from the sea of girls holding their boyfriend’s hand in beautiful places. 🙊


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D) Business
Have you created a successful business? 💻
Do you have a lot of knowledge that could help someone else’s business thrive? 🌳
Are you passionate about teaching people? 💗

Whether the market is up, down, or sideways, if there is a way to make an extra dollar, people want to know all about it.

The great thing about becoming a business influencer is that you don’t need to have a Fortune 500 company.

You only need to know enough to be able to teach people who aren’t as far along as you.

That’s how I grew my InstaGrowth Boss course. After growing a following for clients up to 200K and amassing 70K on my personal account, I knew I could help other people achieve their business goals through Instagram.

Maybe you have a formula for getting tons of traffic from Pinterest, or you’re passionate about helping fellow farmers grow a profitable farm business…

As long as it can help someone achieve their business goals, you’ll be able to thrive in the business niche.


E) Fashion
Are you always posting your #OOTD on the ‘gram? 👗
Do your friends constantly hound you for fashion advice? 👠
Is it your dream to be INVITED to attend New York Fashion Week? 🗽

The key to becoming successful in the fashion niche is to ask yourself what makes you different from everyone else.

Maybe you only focus on vegan-friendly brands, or you’re really good at DIY-ing cheap clothes and turning them into high fashion masterpieces.

You also don’t need to fit into a cookie-cutter mold to be a successful fashion influencer.

Work those curves, biggie-up your natural hair or whatever you love about yourself, and use it to attract your like-minded tribe.


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Let come to another section of How to Become an Instagram Influencer and Start Earning:

2. Create a Noteworthy Bio for Instagram
Once you have decided on your niche, you need to create an attractive Instagram profile. The very first thing that you need to focus on is creating an Instagram bio that immediately catches people’s attention. It should talk about your story in a way that engages people.

**But why is it important?

Remember, it’s one of the first things that a brand or a potential follower will see on your account. So if you want to know how to become an Instagram influencer, you need to first learn how to create an attention-grabbing Instagram bio.

Influencer and travel blogger Helene Sula has a compelling and attractive Instagram bio. In the name field, she has cleverly included “travel blogger,” so that her profile shows up for such searches. And in her bio, she tells her story of how she moved to Germany to explore Europe leaving everything behind. Except for her pups and her husband. Now, isn’t that noteworthy?

Example Bio for Instagram bio:

3. Share Your Stories
If you think you can become an Instagram influencer just by sharing photos, you clearly have it all wrong. The captions that go along with those photos are just as important as the photos themselves. Use them to tell your stories and connect with your followers on an emotional level. Give them a reason to trust you, follow you, and engage with you.

However, in your quest towards engaging them don’t forget to be genuine. Because that will be easily seen through. Instead, share your personal stories in a way that your audience finds them interesting yet authentic.

Check out this inspiring story from a travel blogger, for example. She talks about how she continues traveling with a pre-existing medical condition. You can see that the post has a pretty high engagement rate which means it was well-received by her followers. And brands attach much greater importance to the engagement rate than the number of followers when they collaborate with influencers.

Example stories for Instagram:

4. Make Your Instafeed Appealing
This is one of the pre-requisites if you want to learn how to become an Instagram influencer. Not only should each of your photos be visually-appealing, but your entire feed should look appealing when viewed as a whole. This means that all of your photos in the feed should look good, individually, and collectively.

So, what can you do?

Many Instagram influencers follow a particular style of editing their photos so that the color or composition is uniform. You can use tools like VSCO or Lightroom to edit your photos or you can just use the built-in filters on Instagram. Also, make sure that your photos are taken in high-resolution and with plenty of light to make them look really good.

Check out the account of this lifestyle Instagram influencer and see how beautifully he keeps the tones uniform. This gives his Instafeed an incredible visual appeal and makes it look aesthetic too.

Example insta-feed:
5. Post Content Consistently
Posting content consistently is another crucial prerequisite if you want to learn how to become an Instagram influencer. Most Instagram influencers post daily or once every two days. However, some of the posts a few times a day or even a few times a week.

Studies have revealed that an increase in your content-posting frequency can boost engagement rates. However, when you decide what your posting schedule needs to be, make sure that you choose wisely. Because it needs to be something realistic that you can actually stick to. Setting an unrealistic goal to which you cannot adhere will not help you in any way.

If you find sticking to a schedule difficult, you can schedule your posts with tools like Buffer, Planoly, Preview, or Ripl. These platforms allow you to create your content in advance and set the dates and times for posting. So you don’t need to do it yourself, but your content gets posted automatically.

Preview is free for use and so is Planoly for 30 photos per month on a single Instagram account. Buffer allows you to schedule up to 10 posts for free across any 3 of your social accounts. Ripl offers subscriptions starting at $14.99 per month, but also has a free basic plan with limited features.
What’s more?

You need to remember that posting content isn’t the only important thing. The content that you post must be grammatically correct and should be of high-quality. To ensure that your content quality is top-notch, you can utilize tools such as Articoolo.

This tool checks your grammar, style, and helps you find the right words for your content. As a result, you’ll be able to post high-quality content to Instagram.

6. Choose the Right Hashtags
The best tip anyone can give you on how to become an Instagram influencer is to use hashtags. Hashtags are important because they let your content be found by other Instagram users. Instagram allows you to use a maximum of 30 hashtags on a post, and I recommend using them all. But what kind of hashtags should you choose?

Remember that hashtags having high search volumes aren’t necessarily good for you. Because high search volumes imply high competition too. So the chances of your post being discovered using those hashtags are bleak.

Instead, choose hashtags that have decent search volumes and maximizes your chances of appearing in the top posts. Ideally, use a combination of hashtags varying in search volumes from above 10,000 to 1 million. But definitely, not more than a million.

But how can you find reliable hashtags?

To find the right hashtags for your Instagram posts, I recommend using HashtagsForLikes.

This AI-powered tool goes through your profile and finds the best hashtags for you. Alternatively, you can enter any hashtag on the platform, and it’ll show you its performance. This can help you ascertain which hashtags will create the most impact for you.

For example, this post by an influencer uses the hashtag #adventurecouple. This is the top post for this hashtag having search volumes of more than 105,000.

7. Get a Business Account
If you’re serious about learning how to become an Instagram influencer, you need to get a business account for your Instagram. There are numerous benefits of switching to a business account.

What are they?

The most important benefit is that with a business account, you get access to Instagram Analytics. You’ll be able to see not only your follower demographics but also which posts are getting better engagement. You will also be able to see the days and times which give you the best engagement.

If you want to become an Instagram influencer, it is important to understand your audience and learn what content works best for them.

Follower demographics are very useful when it comes to pitching to brands for collaboration. Because numbers speak louder than words.

The other advantage you get with a business account is the ability to run ads. You can promote one of your posts if you want, in order to get some additional engagement.

So, getting an Instagram business account is an important step if you want to become an Instagram influencer.

8. Leverage Instagram Stories
Instagram Stories are probably the biggest thing right now on Instagram. More and more users and influencers are joining this bandwagon. In fact, more than 500 million Instagram users are using them every day. This makes them a perfect weapon to grow more followers and gain visibility.

Even people who aren’t your followers can discover you from your Instagram Stories. By adding hashtags or locations to Instagram Stories, you can be discovered by more people. And if you have 10,000+ followers, you can include an outbound link using a “swipe up” option on Stories.

What’s more, you ask?

You can even tag others on your Stories and give a shout out to other accounts. This is not only a great way of building relationships but also growing your own following. Because those accounts are likely to return the favor too. And this means you get more visibility.

Because of these benefits, a lot of influencers use Instagram Stories. And if you are serious about becoming an Instagram influencer, you should start using Stories now.

9. Engage Meaningfully
Social media is all about people and how you engage with them. Engagement is one of the most important factors that will help you become an Instagram influencer. When someone comments on your photos, make sure that you reply to them. Also, return the favor by liking and commenting on their posts.

Here’s a checklist that you can use to increase the engagement rate on your posts and become an Instagram influencer:

Include a call-to-action in your caption
Post at a time when you’re likely to get maximum engagement (use insights if you have a Business Account to find the best times)
Host giveaways and contests
Use polls in Instagram Stories
Follow similar accounts and engage with their content
Use popular and relevant hashtags or create your own hashtags
You can use the “Explore” option on Instagram to find content that you can engage with. Also, you now have the option of following hashtags so that relevant content shows up in your feed.

10. Tag Relevant Brands and Contact Them
There are actually two stages of learning how to become an Instagram influencer. The first, of course, is to grow your followers organically and engage them. The second, and probably more important for some, is to make money as an influencer.

So, once you have grown your followers above a thousand and have a decent engagement rate, start your brand outreach. The easiest way is to tag relevant brands on your photos to put yourself on their radar. Sometimes brands even feature such photos on their Instagram account giving you greater visibility.

What else can you do?

You can also send direct messages to brands you think are relevant to your niche. Especially, if you have seen them collaborate with other influencers in your field. Work on a pitch that talks about why you are reaching out and what you can offer them. I’m not saying it’s easy but you might be pleasantly surprised at the responses.

You can even join platforms like Grin, InsightPool, HYPR, InfluencerBay, TRIBE, and TapInfluence to find and connect with relevant brands. Some of these platforms need you to have a certain number of followers to be able to participate in campaigns. So, use this channel when you have reached a certain follower count.

11. Do Not Buy Followers
This is a rookie mistake I’ve seen many Instagram influencers make to pave an easy road to success. Paid followers are no good to you. If you want to become an Instagram influencer and make money, organic is the way to go.

Yes, I know it’s not easy and it certainly won’t happen overnight. But hey, there’s no easy road to success. Paid followers can be detrimental to your growth because these followers won’t be engaged enough. So your follower count will increase without any substantial increase in engagement.

What’s more?
Also, it is not that difficult for brands to identify influencers with paid followers. And if someone realizes that you have a high percentage of fake followers, you could lose your credibility in the industry. This could affect all of your future collaborations or lack thereof.

Getting caught having paid followers can be detrimental to your success as an influencer. If you really are serious about your goal to become an Instagram influencer, you need to do it the right way.

Ready to Get Started Earning Money on Instagram?
It’s true that you cannot become an Instagram influencer overnight. You will need to be patient and make sure that you follow the above steps, to become an Instagram influencer.

It might take a few months, but trust me, you will definitely start seeing results. I’ve seen and helped quite a few individuals land brand partnerships within a few months of following these steps. And there’s no reason why you can’t do so as well.

Can you think of any other tips on how to become an Instagram influencer? Let me know in the comments below. And if you’re looking for some personal guidance to become an Instagram influencer, get in touch with me now!

I hope you will now be a master in influencing on Instagram and other social media by taking a free look at our course on how to Become an influencer on Instagram and Start Earning Money in 2021, also we request to follow us on our Instagram page and join our FB group to share your contents and get a chance to get featured in our social magazine exclusively.

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