Do you know? Your everyday products might be doing more harm, than good to you and the environment

Do you know? Your everyday products might be doing more harm, than good to you and the environment

With an overwhelming multitude of chemical substances being used in consumer articles and commercial mixtures, contemporary society is undergoing a time of unparalleled consumption.

Many substances listed as hazardous but are used as regular ingredients in daily items, such as preservatives in washing and cleaning agents, fragrances in personal care products, per- and polyfluorinated chemicals used in textile finishing, plasticizers in plastic materials or heavy metals in textile finishing products. There is an urgent need to promote a sustainable lifestyle and create environmental awareness.

The typical end-user makes use of a lot of items without being aware of the harmful chemical constituents present in the product which might have an adverse effect on the user and the environment.

Everyday products that harm the environment:


Found in: face washes, toothpaste, body scrubs, abrasive cleaners

These small pieces of plastic since they are so minuscule can quickly pass through water filtration systems and end up in the sea, at great risk to our marine life. 100,000 plastic particles entering the ocean will result in a single shower.

Wet wipes

There was a 400 percent spike in wet wipes found on beaches last year, causing tremendous damage to our marine life. Usually, wet wipes often contain rubber, which can never be dissolved.

Plastics for singular use

Plastic is everywhere, from plastic cutlery to water bottles, bags and food packaging. And, unless it is burned, somewhere on our planet, any piece ever made still remains-ensuring that up to 12.7 million tonnes of stuff end up in the ocean every year.

Antibacterial soaps and gels

It's not as essential to destroy 99.9% of all germs as we've been led to believe. The use of antibacterial hand gels causes the growth of 'super-bugs' resistant to antibiotics as well as interferes with the development of the immune system in children. Several studies have shown that being safe is safer than being germ-free. There are usually stronger immune systems for those exposed to any amount of germs than for those who grow up in overly sanitized environments.

Phosphate-containing Detergents

Thanks to their ability to soften water and avoid rough, greasy stains, phosphates are also the primary ingredients used in laundry detergents. These naturally occurring chemicals, however, penetrate our water supply and cause a process called 'eutrophication' to occur much faster than it would naturally happen. This is because phosphates act as fertilizers, allowing plants to expand much faster than the waterway can normally and choke.

These are only a few ways in which we unknowingly harm the environment. This creates a need for environmental awareness so as to develop eco-living.

How we can make a change and switch to a sustainable lifestyle?

using some daily product can cause high affect to the enviroment

As proven risk communication networks cover only part of society, daily goods can contain a multitude of hazardous substances unnoticed by the majority of consumers. The problem can be solved by creating awareness in the customers about risk communication tools and taking precautionary measures. They also need to determine the hazardous chemicals in goods and reduce their negative impact on themselves and the environment. Thus, we need to promote sustainable living.

Here are a few precautionary measures that can be taken for developing a sustainable lifestyle:

Switch to Clean Beauty

Clean beauty means that a beauty product should take into account human and environmental health, using a non-toxic factor as the basis for active results and plant-based ingredients. It is a great way to induce a sustainable lifestyle while taking care of you too. It offers all the vitamins and antioxidants essential for safe and radiant skin and hair.

The two most important points are for a product to be safe:

1. Ingredients that are non-toxic

Clean beauty at its center means you can use a product without compromising your well-being. Only healthy, non-toxic ingredients have to be on the list of ingredients. Clinique goods boast being free of parabens and fragrances. And they continue actively to include their products in the study of ingredients. In addition to this, Clinique has a variety of products that can be personalized to suit your unique needs.

2. Transparency in marking

They are on the right road to clean makeup when a makeup manufacturer makes an effort to list all of their ingredients and mark them accordingly. is a brand for skincare that emphasises transparency by demonstrating the active concentration used and revealing the ingredient's trade name & supplier. Their medications treat the most common skin disorders, ranging from acne marks to sunspots, in a highly effective and inexpensive way. The products are also free from parabens, fragrances, and other toxic ingredients, thus being clean and induce no side-effects.

How does Clean Beauty make the world better?

Since clean beauty products use non-toxic ingredients, they significantly minimize their harmful impact on the environment. Both the body and the environment are spared by the harsh effects of the chemicals.

Clean beauty should not use microbeads, a vital contaminant that impacts the marine life of the ocean. Usually, clean beauty products substitute sugar or sea salt for this harmful ingredient, which does the same exfoliating job but retains the potential to break down over time.

Better still, pure beauty prefers to use organic and recyclable packaging and products which are sustainably and ethically sourced. This means that not only are you doing yourself a favour, but also the world in which you live.

Modify your shopping habits

Sustainable shopping is a misleading term that has been tossed around for years now as a buzzword. Fashion has been the second most polluting industry, behind only oil, so it would make a difference to make some minor improvements to your shopping habits and the way you think about and purchase clothing. Sustainable shopping is not an easy change to make and can become a little confusing, but since it is now a very real, and very dangerous, problem, it is good that it is finally recognized.

Begin by reviewing the facts behind the fashion industry and then look at brands that are taking measures to become more sustainable. Although very few labels are 100% organic, organic, and ethical collections are being produced more and more. Researching and shopping online is another tip. Around 22% of the environmental impact of a clothing item comes primarily from the shipping process to and from shops, so online shopping is a perfect way to discover new and exciting products and reduce the environmental impact.

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Reduce usage of Plastic and Wet wipes:

Wet wipes:

Wipes should not be flushed down the loo, since they do not dissolve in water the way paper does, and should preferably be the last choice when it comes to washing your face or cleaning the house.

Plastic Bags:

Given that so much food comes wrapped in it, it is hard to eschew all plastic, but minor changes such as taking your bags to the supermarket or shopping at local farm shops might make a huge difference. In a few easy steps, you can start cutting down on plastic waste: use reusable bags while shopping, ditch single-use bottles of water, bags, and straws and avoid items made or packaged in plastic wherever possible (e.g. use unwrapped products at the grocery store, local shop, cut down online shopping).

Be water-wise

Avoid bottled water. Tap water is often regarded as inferior even after having passed quality tests and being free to use. And it is notoriously detrimental to communities and wildlife to harvest water and manufacture all those plastic bottles. Conservation of water is also important, especially as our increasing population brings increased pressure on the water supplies of the nation and we face unprecedented droughts. By taking shorter showers, repairing leaky toilets, and preferring low-flow and low-water appliance options, you can save water and have sustainable living.

by: Ananya Singh

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