How food poisoning can be prevented - Causes and Prevention

How food poisoning can be prevented - Causes and Prevention
According to research by the World Health Organization, more than one lakh people in America suffer from this problem every year. Their number of patients in India is also not small. One in 10 people in India suffers from food poisoning due to contaminated food and water. You can some simple measures, to protect yourself and your family members from the causes and prevention of food poisoning, so here lets us know How food poisoning can be prevented

How food poisoning can be prevented - 5 Cause & Prevention

What are the symptoms
  • Severe abdominal pain.
  • Vomiting every 10-15 minutes.
  • The patient also experiences diarrhea when food poisoning occurs. Food is not digested. Vomiting immediately after eating and drinking anything.
  • Headache
  • More tiredness and weakness are felt.

Take care of cleanliness
Food poisoning is a disease caused by dirt. When you do not take care of cleanliness while cooking food, you automatically invite this disease. If dirty water has been used to wash and cook food while cooking, it contaminates the food. To avoid this, it is very important to take special care of cleanliness while cooking food. Keep food items covered. Go your hands for at least 20 seconds before cooking and eating.

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Avoid eating rancid
If you have a habit of keeping more food to save time, then consider this habit, because if you eat stale food during the summer season, it can be a big reason for food poisoning. Not only stale food, stuff kept in the fridge like kneaded flour, ground chutney, chopped vegetables can also cause trouble. Thoughtfully buy food only cooked contaminated food does not become the reason for food poisoning. This may also be due to the foods you used while cooking food, such as lentils, rice, flour, oil, water, etc. Therefore, when purchasing goods, definitely check its expiry date. Do not open the packets of spices and run for several days and finish the packaged substances quickly. Cleanliness before use Bacteria not only grow in cooked food, but raw vegetables can also cause food poisoning. So in summer, but only the vegetables and fruits you need. Soak them in salt water or baking soda for a while before placing them in the fridge. After that, wash with clean water. In raw vegetables like carrots, radishes, potatoes, sprouts come out when the temperature rises, which can cause bacteria to flourish. In such a situation, avoid using them and if there is a fragrance or spoilage in any fruit or vegetable, then throw it away. Avoid sprouted grains during this season, as this is the main factor for bacterial growth. Pregnant women, as well as people with weak immunity, should also avoid eating raw and sprouted grains.

Drink plenty of water
In order to keep yourself healthy during the summer season, it is important that you start your day with a glass of water. If you add lemon to the water, it will be more beneficial. Drink at least three liters of water throughout the day. If you have become a victim of food poisoning due to any reason, then take special care that there is no lack of water in your body. To avoid this, take buttermilk, mango leaf, glucose or coconut water, etc. from time to time.

What if food poisoning happens
  • Drink a spoonful of honey mixed with a few drops of ginger juice, there will be an immediate benefit.
  • Use cumin when food poisoning occurs. If you want, drink roasted cumin powder mixed with buttermilk or add it to the soup.
  • Antioxidant-rich basil(Tulsi) taking it provides relief in stomach infection.
  • Banana eliminates the effects of food poisoning quickly. Eat banana mixed with yogurt(Dahi) in dysentery.

(Source: Hindustan, Based on a conversation with Dr. Vinay Bhatt, Physician at Columbia Asia Hospital and Dietician Anu Sahadev of Nutricalp)

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