RX 100 heroine name: No heroines admit... Payal too ..

Rdx movie, rx 100 heroine name payal rajput The story of Ajay Bhupathi RX 100 has been heard by many heroines before Ajay Bhupathi's Karthikeya RX 100 movie. The heroine in the film has more importunity. Ajay Bhupathi says that many heroines will not accept RX's story.

Payal Rajput in this role, which has more negative shades. However, after a few days of filming the film, Payal admitted that something was going on. With this, Ajay Bhupathi Madame revolves around your character. If your character is the key to this film .. If you shoot .. Paayal says that she is best known for her role in the Rajput movie Involved. And it's a strong reason why none of the heroines admit to such a role. The negative shades in the character, which is a bold character, will be seen by everyone who has seen the RX 100.


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