Never thought to become Blogger - Gaurish Uppal Interview

gaurish uppal Hey folks, here we are with a very new guest, Gaurish Uppal. He started his blogging journey in December 2018 and it's around one year. He is trying different styles but he tells ''I never ever thought that I would enter blogging but when I see the common mistakes that people do in their day to day life I thought that I should post some pics. For me, fashion is a game that changes every day and also everyone can wear clothes but the thing that matters for me the most is how you can stylize yourself and also how to be confident in carrying up that style.''
His contents are based on some different styles like some college styles, party looks or even some traditional look. He also brings some tips for the people on how they can shop or what to shop in their summer or winter collection, also fashion is not like buying many clothes it's like how you can even style with restricted no. of clothes that's what he shows in his content. So we had interacted as well so read the conversation below;

Gaurish Uppal Interview with Bgs Raw

Q. Tell us something about yourself? As you told you are creating awarenesses about fashion among people.
When I started blogging I was in my second year of college and in the initial days of my college I remember I was not that much into fashion and all. As time by time I started myself to change and after learning some kind of fashion my interest in this grew. So I decided to start my journey in the second year of my college to make people more aware about the latest trends and also how they can carry themselves confidently and also how to stylize clothes themselves because everyone wears clothes but for me, fashion is to stylize differently and confidently with whatever you wear.

Q. When did you first think to be a fashion blogger? And how did you inspire?
Back in 2017 after finishing my boards I have time of around 3 months so I started watching some videos on youtube of some popular influencers and I do stylize according to that and after that when I go anywhere I observe that most people don't know how to stylize them in pubs, for dates, for college and also in professional world they just mix and match like matching sports shoes with pants. Even though I didn't know that I would come up with blogging in the future and also I was also getting some of the appreciation from people for what I wear.
I got my inspiration from one of my good friends and also from people around me and also from those who follow me on Instagram because without their support I would be nothing.

Q. Anything that's challenging in these fields.
I think according to me everything in this field is challenging from styling to shooting. Bringing up new content and also ensuring that people are able to stylize themselves even in their budget also thinking about how to bring some new style into the trend. Moreover, when we go for the shoot we face many problems from changing to the weather. The first and the foremost thing is choosing a location then come to the weather conditions since it's really difficult to shoot in sunny weather and sometimes people also poke which makes it difficult to shoot.

Q. Let us know your goal & the future plan?
I just want to influence my fashion sense along with that I also motivate people through my stories whether it's related to fitness or daily life challenges so no one would feel low in life.
As of now, my goal is to progress in this field and also want to open my youtube channel. Rest you will know when I achieve that.

Q. Besides your career, what things do you like and what makes you bored?
Besides my career, well there are few things that make me happy likewise going to the gym for my workout and meeting up my friends, a good internet connection, good web series, and my favorite food.
Well, there are two things that make me bored like doing that same work in the same way rather than trying up a new way to make that interesting and getting an off from the gym.

Q. Do your family support you for your decisions?
Yes, my family always supports me with whatever I want to achieve in my life and without their support I can't even start my journey.

Q. What did you think to become in your childhood?
This question is somewhat interesting you will laugh as I always wanted to be Formula one racer.

Q. Apart from everything, I like to know from you about this career. Do you think in this age of living, the only govt. job can be secure rather than an independent business.
This is an up growing industry but this industry is not for everyone as those who can bring the best has more chances to grow rather than people who try to copy others.
TBH in this growing world, people are emphasizing more on independent business rather than govt. job since there are fewer vacancies. Govt. jobs may provide job security but you can't grow yourself. According to my being your own boss is better than being a slave.

Q. Since we complete the one year of our online magazine. How will you recommend Bgs Raw and its contribution to the bloggers and social creators?
BGS RAW is a growing e-magazine and moreover, it's the best platform for the bloggers and creators. Moreover, I like the fact the featuring the bloggers and social creator provide them a platform that gives some recognition to them and also their work.

Q. When was your first collaboration with a brand? How did you get your first sponsor?
My first collaboration was with Gillette India in which I promoted their Razor. I was offered that collaboration from CHTRBOX.
news year interviews, latest interviews of blogger, influencer
Q. Tell us about your current project you are involved in or any upcoming.
Right now I am working as FITSO INFLUENCER.

Q. Today still there are many who really don't know about fashion and dressing sense. Help them with your tips and ideas.
For them, the only tip that I would like to give them is that just observe the people around you, follow some influencers who do work hard to create content for you and the last tip I want to give is that whatever you wear just carry it with confidence.

Q. Any message you want to convey to our audiences.
I would like to convey that whatever you do in life just keep a goal and work for it because this is the age that will make you something. Keep that in mind that whatever you do, do it with your heart and ignore the negative people who try to bring you down.

Q. Let us also know what's your new year resolution.
This new year I have many resolutions some of them are like spreading happiness among people since in this world people are that much busy that they even forget to smile.

Rapid-fire with Gaurish Uppal:

Q. Basic outfit of regular comfort.
I feel comfortable in my loose clothes.

Q. One thing that you'll not repeat in this new year
Not giving priority to people who are close to me.

Q. Any secret want to reveal now
I am an open dairy.

Q. What you believe to yourself; blogger, influencer, or anything else.
An influencer is a big word for me,  for me, I am a person who just helps people in styling.

Q. What the weirdest questing you've been asked ever?
Hahaha...I was asked about my girlfriends that I never had.

Q. Tell something about Bgs Raw in one sentence.
The work you are doing is amazing. Keep growing like this.

READ: Reciently Visited to Vaishno Devi Temple to Katra-Gaurish Uppal

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