A Social Chat With Anindita Kashyap Learn About Fashion Industry

Anindita Kashyap in Bgs Raw is a fashion blogger, influencer from Assam, now lived at Mumbai. She had collaborated with many brands too.The Bgs Raw: Hey Folks! In this article, we have published an exclusive interview with Anindita. She is an inspiring fashion blogger influencer and self-created model. Since childhood, she had an inclination towards fashion but being from a typical govt. job oriented family she never got a chance to take fashion as a career. She did her engineering from Assam and got placed in a company at Mumbai.

A Social Chat With Anindita Kashyap Learn About Fashion Industry

It's one year she involved in blogging and started her work in fashion blogging. She told us that, she faces a lot of challenges. Because she is trying for organic growth. Anindita needs to go through a lot of time management planning for blogging. We have interacted with her to know more about her blogging and employee journey. So read the full conversation below.

Anindita Kashyap Images, photos, photoshoot. Glam-life, Assam Fashion Show, Mumbai Fashion blogger.

Exclusive Chat With Anindita Kashyap

Q. How did you inspire to influence fashion and blogging?

Firstly, Thank you for the invitation to contribute to your E-magazine. I believe it’s a great platform for budding influencers like us.

Now coming to your question, Fashion is something I have always loved deeply. I was hardly 10 years old (I guess) when I first cut out old leggings and created my own shorts, sewing them myself in the sewing machine. The very reason for that was because I was not convinced by its appearance and wanted to give it a little classy look. Haha! My mom was the most surprised person then. So, I have always dreamed of doing something in fashion. I have been the Calender girl for ‘The Telegraph” in 2014. I have done a couple of fashion shows in the Northeast too during my Engineering days. (Yes! I am an “engineer” by degree ONLY)

I started taking seriously my Instagram & blog in January 2019. I saw a very good opportunity in this field. My theme is mostly affordable fashion. I believed fashion should not always about Big brands and spending lakhs on clothes & accessories but one can also look presentable within a limited budget.

Q. Do you face any hardship in this field?

Being a girl from a middle-class family with a govt. job enthusiast environment, it has always been a struggle for me to convince my parents about my role in fashion. They would be happy if I study, get a perfect job (which does not exist) and then may keep doing my “fashion thing”. But honestly maintaining both is a task. And I stay away from home. So starting from paying my bills, rent etc every expense needs to be taken care of.

There are days I need to rush to office and on my lunch break edit pictures, make contents and take calls from brands and at night plan up the feed.

Since I am not a full-time blogger now (as in blogging is not only my bread & butter) but I also have a 9-5 full-time job. So time & money management does play a great role.

Also, I sometimes go broke as hell! Still, want new clothes & new accessories for contents. So it becomes very tough. Also if you see Instagram is full of outstanding creators. Everyone is best in their own way and it is truly tough to stand out if you aren’t consistent.

Maintaining engagements, views, followers and consistent content throughout the season is a tough job when your earning is minimum.

Maintaining engagements, views, followers and consistent content throughout the season is a tough job when your earning is minimum.

Q. What is your goal & the future plan?

I want to start my own restaurant someday (soon :D). Apart from being a fashion enthusiast, I am also a foodie. I want to start encouraging Assamese cuisines in different states. Also, continue my passion for fashion blogging.

Although I am not much of a planner, to be honest, most of the things happening in my life are “Go with the Flow” kind.

However, I would never encourage anyone to be like that. Prevention is better than cure. & planning is very important in today’s fast-changing environment.

Q. As you were inclined to fashion since childhood. Do you think now you are independent to do the stuff?

Well! I was not independent to do everything when I was pursuing my graduation. Although I used to manage some bucks from shows and anchoring, that wasn’t enough. So, I could not take up fashion blogging at that time and concentrated on completing my studies. (In fact, I am an honors holder and university 23rd rank holder 😊 ).  However, Now that I am earning my own and its almost been 3.5years that I am living away from parents I am 95% able to take my own decisions. 5% is always conquered by Mom and dad, can’t really help. :D

Q. Today we can see most of the employee or job holders dropping out to be a model. So what can we expect from you as a model?

Ah! I love this question.

So, it is always better to analyze the current situation and try to figure out the future & learn from the mistakes from the past. I would never give up my job unless I  find an opportunity that deserves that.

Because blogging no doubt yields a huge income but it seriously takes time & a lot of own investments. So as of now my job is very important to me and blogging or modeling or being a fashionist is my dream where I would be climbing the ladder of success. But step by step.

Q. You are engaged in a job so let us know what do your company does?

My Company is into 100% Digital marketing. And I am into Client servicing. They are really good in what they provide to their customers and companies that have tied up with them and yes! I have learned a lot of things about business here, So this job like a blessing to me.

Q. Let us know your most embarrassing memory of childhood?

When I was in the 4th standard, I failed in a half-yearly Maths exam and that was a pretty shock to my parents because I was kind of a studious child. I was truly embarrassed by that. And my classmate to mocked at me.

But in the finals, I got the highest marks as I worked really hard.

Q. What was the most memorable moment of your blogging journey?

There are lots of good memories that I preserve kin my blogging journey. But the most memorable one is about one shoot that happened at Thane. So there was not much prop to use, only a tree and a fancy wall. So I literary climbed up the tree on high heels, posed and got awesome shoots, Hats off to the photographer too because he climbs more up to get my shots from the top.

Q. Have you collaborated with brands? How did they approach you?

For now, I handle my own IG account myself. Brands normally mail their collaboration invitations or sometimes I send them emails & if they like my pitch they reply with the offerings.

I have worked with Daniel Wellington, Lavie, Craftsvilla, herbsutra, Flipmee & Akhandnation. There are a few in the pipeline as of now.

Q. What is the first thing you notice in a man?

I see the person’s Shoes 😊 Yes! It's his Shoes or basically the footwear. Then I see the walking style. 😊

Q. What would your outfit for a romantic date be?

A Red bodycon dress from H&M (Won’t say, Zara, as I am trying to maintain affordable fashion :D)

Golden heels form any affordable shop (but looks classy enough :D, trust me if we search . we get awesome pieces), Golden earrings, golden Clutch and Red lipstick with light eyeliner.

Q. On what would you spend your earned money; clothes, accessories, perfumes, lingerie or anything else.

To be very very honest it always comes out to be clothes but I try to spend on good foods to keep me healthy so that I can work more 😊

Q. When Anindita Kashyap unwind, what does she indulge in?

I am an occasional quotes writer. I also maintain a  very low following profile on Your quotes App. I also maintain a highlight of quotes that hits my mind.

Q. What projects you're currently working on?

I am working on Lavie, DW, I am going to start off with a Saree brand and a jewelry brand in the next month.

Q. Any message you wanna convey to our audience (For engineering as well as blogging).

Some friends ask me why did I do Engineering? Do I regret that?

My only answer is “ I am blessed with what happened to me and what is happening right now”. I thank god that I could be an engineer as well as a fashion blogger. If I had not been into engineering & I had not got selected in placements or have got the opportunity to come to Mumbai and live on my own. I would not have been giving this interview. So, yes I feel blessed for both. Two thing “ Passion & consistency” goes hand by hand, You need to be consistent in what you do, Follow an idol, Respect other’s choices and be grateful to God each and every moment.

Q. How will you recommend The Bgs Raw, a digital featuring platform?

The Bgs Raw is a great platform. It is India’s first E-magazine featuring models, actors, Youtubers and all social starts. I see a great future of this platform as they are unique and special.


Q. What is your style mantra?

Affordable fashion to suit your pocket and your style.

Also Be ready with Red lipstick, denim jacket & high heels

Q. How someone can get your special attention?

Wearing good shoes 😊

Q. Best food you like from the footpath or street shops.

Momos are always Love

Q. What do you do to stay fit

Be happy and grateful. (I don’t work out much 😊)

Also, Eat lots & lots of water. Eat healthily

Q. What the weirdest questing you've been asked ever?

You are from Assam I guess you have a Visa. (Irrational and racist) but I am a Proud Assamese.

👉 Publisher: Hey this is Bikram Kr Singh, I'm Entrepreneur, Artist, Writer, Certified Digital Marketing by Google. To know more about me just follow me on my Instagram handle @bikramkrsingh1. Thanks for reading this article on  Why I get dislike in Youtube videos.

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