5 Amazing Fact of Mumbai The Heart of Maharashtra India - By Rajneesh Yadav on Bgs Raw

5 amazing fact of mumbai, the heart of maharashtra, india, rajneesh yadav, bgs raw,


how mumbai was form, mumbai the city of dream,

Mumbai is also known as the “City Of Dreams” doesn’t seems to be like this in the earlier time. At that time Mumbai was divided into seven major islands and they were ruled by the Portuguese.
The British rulers were having an eye on these seven islands and they wanted to capture them.  So the
Prince of England Charles-||decided to marry the princess of Portugal Catherine Of Braganza so the  Portuguese gifted these seven islands to the prince of England. Now the seven islands were under the rule of British and so the British shifted their headquarters of East India company from Surat to Bombay. As they shifted their headquarters the population of Bombay goes on increasing so the British decided to merge these seven islands into one land. In science this is termed as 'Land Reclamation' and then this project started. This project is known as the Hornby Vellard project. To complete this project it took more than 150 years and in 1845 Mumbai was formed

mumba devi temple, mumbai mandir, famoush tourism in mumbai

The city has a quite unique history behind its name firstly when the city was under the rule of Portuguese people they delivered the name of the city as “BOMBAY” basically the name Bombay comes from a Portuguese phase  'Bom Bahai' which means in Portugal means ‘Beautiful bay'.
Later on in 1995 when the regional political party Shiv Sena came into power they decided to change the name from Bombay to Mumbai basically word  Mum came from the local temple of Mumba Devi and the word ai is a Marathi word which means mother in the Marathi language.

antilina, island, most expensive house, mukesh ambani,

Antilia name after the island in Atlantic is the world’s most expensive house in Mumbai. The house is owned by Mr. Mukesh Ambani chairman of one of the biggest multinational companies Reliance industries.

Antilia is the 47th tallest building in Mumbai with 27 floors and a height of 173 meters. The house has a staff of 600 people which I think is the very huge staff to maintain a house . However, the most unique thing of this house is that it has 3 helipads on the top of the house and the second unique thing is the price of the house which is around 1 billion dollars.

taj mahal palace hotel, mumbai, founded by tata group

Taj Mahal Palace hotel in Mumbai Maharashtra was the first 5 star in India. Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata founder of Tata group built this great grand hotel in 1903 and on 16th December 1903, the hotel was opened for the guest. In 1972 it was the first hotel to open India’s first 24-hour coffee shop in it.

The hotel consists of 565 rooms, 46 suites, and 11 restaurants. Due to its structure and great luxury facility, it is the main attraction for tourists. As it’s the famous attraction of tourists the hotel became the target of the terrorist attacks on 26th November 2008 with its nearby hotel Oberoi Trident hotel. Almost 450 people were staying in Taj at that time. A number of people died in this indecent and the hotel was heavily destroyed. It took 12 months after the attack for the restoration of the hotel. And on 15th August 2010 again it was opened for the public.

mumbai populated state,

Mumbai is the most populated city in India and 4th  most populated city in the world. Its urban population is approximately around 22 million and is the largest city in population, trade activity, and business. Today’s population of the city is double the population in 1991. It also has the biggest slums areas. Dharavi is the biggest slums area in the city it is said that almost around one million people live in Dharavi and hence it is also known as the Asia biggest and most populated slum area.


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