The Social Magazine Interview With Youtube Sensation Subhechha Mohanty Exclusively From Orissa

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Hey there folks!
This is our exclusive interview with Subhechha Mohanty from Cuttack, Odisha on The Bgs Raw Social Magazine Interview and that's all about the hottest social stars/models/actors/YouTubers which you can read them here. An EXCLUSIVE interview reveals the girls-boys next door behind the social fire and so Bgs Raw has started there social magazine. And here we are introducing another guest from Orissa, the very beautiful and talented Subhechha Mohanty, Youtuber/Singer/Performer/Engineer. She is also engaged with a full-time job and also on YouTube too.

Subhechha is now a singing sensation on YouTube. She already uploaded many videos on YouTube. Her hard work and talent helped her to grab a lot of attention and she is very popular on YouTube. Currently, she has 160k+ fans on YouTube. Recently she has moved to Mumbai to get her luck in music & singing.

Let us know more about her from Subhechha:

1. Tell us something about yourself?

This is Subhechha giving all the readers a hearty Subhechha which basically means good wishes. Won't keep my intro long and mainstream. In short, a small-town girl with a bag full of dreams moved to the Maya-Nagri Mumbai to try the luck in MUSIC.

2. How did you inspire to come on YouTube with your music?

Well, the inspiration to make videos came from YouTube itself. I used to watch hundreds of YouTube videos of others. I never knew I could do it myself one day! But the universe connects the paths in something or the other way. So it started very randomly. No planning no team no jazz just plain raw singing with a blurred picture attached just to get it in MP4.

3. Who is your inspiration and role model?

To be honest I am a kind person who's interest and mood change very quickly. I don't follow some one's work for a very long time. Either I get bored or get too influenced. So there's no particular person I consider my role model. I take inspiration from a lot of people at the same time, be it related to music, dance, acting, fashion etc. At the end of the day what I gather is their hard work and dedication despite being in any field.

4. What's your opinion about modern musical age?

Time has changed so is the taste of the music. Earlier music was all about emotions, purity, and melody but now it's all about EDM, too many technologies and stuff so eventually people are getting bored of listening to it multiple times, which never happens with old songs! Not that I'm against the modern age, but it just doesn't feel like it will be remembered in the next 50-60 years.

5. Since how many years are you engaged in music?

Music has been there at my home even before I was born! My dad is an amazing guitarist and has good taste in music. He had a lot of collections of music cassettes and CDs back in the 90s. I have grown up listening to all of them. So I could say for around 20 years.

6. What qualities should good singer posses?

Ohhhh I say this to everyone. The only thing can make you a better singer is more singing. That's the only key. It's a never-ending thing. The more you do the more you learn. It's like a gift from the universe. If you wanna keep it you have to take care of it like every single day. If you fail to do so the universe knows the way to take the gift back. Sound kinda kiddish and cliche but I strongly believe in it.

7. What is the arrangement or preparation you make before creating a YouTube video and for concerts?

Planning for a YouTube video is like my daily routine. Though I end up not doing as per the plan, I keep on planning something or the other every now and then. It just makes me so cheerful and positive. But in reality, all of the covers I have done are very unplanned and sudden things because when I like a song and make up my mind to do it, I just do it. I keep on singing the song until I hate it for the rest of my life. And I have a super amazing friend Aasim who's like a savior and helps me getting everything ready within a day or two. I forcefully drag my friends to help me with filming and then I stay awake like an owl to get done with edit and make it live. Pretty much basic arrangements aren't it hehe! About the concerts, I don't practice much as I feel my voice is gonna dry out on an actual day so I don't give it any kinda stress. Just do the regular Riyaz and yeah that's pretty much it. I keep it simple and easy peasy.

8. What hardship do you face in this field?

Ummm when it comes to hardship, there are many like so many but again they all are my own excuses and assumptions which lets me feel down and miserable at times. I strongly believe no matter how competitive the surrounding is, if you give your 100% and believe in your own path, you will experience all the things you've been craving for. Nothing makes your journey harder than your own thoughts and insecurities.

musician, singer, cover singer, youtube creator, bgs raw magazine india
Credit: Subhechha Mohanty - Bgs Raw

9. What is your goal & future plan?

Like I mentioned earlier I love doing the planning. I literally do it every day despite the fact it never happens like so but I still enjoy doing it because the imagination of getting it done gives me another level of satisfaction. But yet the future is unpredictable and my lists are of like 683383 pages so not gonna finish in this interview. Hehe.. but my ultimate goal is self-love. I just want to feel proud of what I am and with what I have no matter what I am doing in life. That's the goal.

10. What did you think to become in childhood?

Lol like every other child in my class I wanted to become a doctor just because my best friends also said the same when being asked. Haha but obviously the time I actually started understanding things and life I grew my interest to be in a creative field.

11. Do your family support you for your decisions?

I wouldn't say they didn't. That'd be totally unfair they didn't actually want me to waste my time in something stupid and worthless because the time I started, YouTube wasn't that popular in my home town. For my parents it's was just like some kinda timepass. So they used to tell me to focus more on studies and stuff. But yet the time they realized I'm actually doing good at it, they got me a DSLR to make things easier. So yes it's been possible for all of their blessings and support.

12. Besides your career, what things do you like and what makes you bored?

Along with music I have A full-time job so I don't get much time to do the things I like but yes in my free time I love watching friends, I'm a crazy friends lover. I prefer staying home and cook something amazing and watch Netflix all day, that's kinda my thing. I really don't get bored with things, because when I have nothing to do I prefer sleeping. I literally sleep like a donkey!!

13. Have you had any memorable experiences that you would like to share with us?

Aah, there are so many! The one I could think of now is the time when I was in 5th standard and got selected to perform with my team in Kerela for one of the All India radio competition , I went with rest of the people in a train (for the 1st time) without my parents to a different state (again for the 1st time) and had such a wonderful experience I still could feel that excitement while presenting the state on a prestigious stage! Good old memories ❤

14. Can you give an idea to our audience about your job and passion, how to manage both?

I'm an engineer so currently working incorporate. I love my job too as it keeps me busy and gives me security as well. Not sure how long I'm gonna do it but for sure until I make something really big in music. About the time management thing, you'll always get the way when you have your heart into it. It gets hectic sometimes but you can always take a break and be back.

orissa youtuber, orissa, bikrams vlog interview
Credit: Subhechha Mohanty - Bgs Raw

15. When was your first collaboration with a very famous artist or any brand?

It's a very recent project of mine for YouTube originals managed by qyuki. For the 1st time I got through the entire filming process and it was an amazing experience. About the brands, been offered with allot but I'm only planning to collaborate with the brands I feel is genuine and authentic.

16. Any artist from the film industry you like to work with?

Given a chance I'd love to work with AR Rahman sir and Amit Trivedi ji , I think each and every singer would. Huge fan of their work ❤

17. Any message you like to give to our audience & your fans?

I get a lot of questions, people asking tips to start YouTubing, I just wanna tell them that, just start what you have already. Just because you don't have a good mic or digital camera doesn't mean your YouTube won't grow. It's a process of learning and trusts me after a year you gonna feel so proud about yourself that you started doing it in the first place.

18. How people can reach you?

I'm socially active everywhere in Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube

Author: Hey Subhechha Mohanty, we thank you very much from our team The Bgs Raw Social Magazine. Wish you all the best for your passion and you may achieve more than you deserve.

👉 Interview by: Bikram Kr Singh a lifestyle blogger and digital entrepreneur. You can chat with me on Instagram Facebook. Also available on other social platforms, links in this website itself.

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